Thursday, September 22, 2011

Save Some Time To Dream

Some of the best implemented ideas were born from a dream. I don't necessarily mean dream while your sleeping. I'm referring to those "wouldn't it be great if..." dreams. I'm talking about the ones that you want so bad that you can feel it in your bones. Dreams can be huge motivators. They can also be disappointing.

It's funny! There are days when all I get done is day-dreaming. If you were to walk in on me those days, all you would see me do is staring off into space. Most likely my thoughts are geared towards, "what if...". If I fall in love with a dream, I usually try to see what I can do to make it work. I research every possible avenue and resource I know. Sometimes my dreams are way out of reach, but that doesn't mean I give up on them. That means they become more long-term goals. For example, the other day I was thinking "what if I had x number of clients by the end of the year...". That would mean I would have to hire on more help. That would certainly help get my name out there. But, how could I possibly achieve this?


How I handle my dreams will effect the reality of my dreams. If I always believe that they are too impossible, they'll never happen, then I'm probably right. I try not to go there. I like a challenge. I like to take the risk sometimes knowing full well I could fall flat on my face! But, I'll never know the answer to those "what ifs" if I never try and turn them into "what is".

The process is easy...dream big, research, and implement. If you have trouble dreaming big, start with yourself. I mean, everyone dreams about that new car, or that beach house overseas. Figure out what it would take to obtain that. Who knows, if  you dream big for yourself and then start dreaming big for your company, you may surprise yourself by being able to actually own that new car or that beach house.

SAVE SOME TIME TO DREAM, because as Mellencamp says, "your dream might save us all."

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