Thursday, October 27, 2011

Organized Chaos

If it's completely necessary to have a lot of information on your site, the question becomes how do I keep it from mass chaos. The best answer I can come up with is that your website, no matter what, should have a theme to it. A theme will help keep the flow. It will also allow you to organize better.

What do you mean by "a theme"? I refer to color palettes and graphics and layout working together. These things create a theme. For example, let's say your store is an outdoor, country type apparel store, like a Bass Pro Shop. The kinds of images and color schemes you use will definitely attract the eye. Where you attract the eye, that's where you want your information to be. It doesn't have to be clumped up into what looks like a newspaper article. Let people's eyes be drawn to specific things that they can "learn more" about by clicking on a link. Don't be afraid to create tasteful "banners" to advertise information you want people to know! Keep it all theme oriented. In other words, if you're an outdoors apparel store, don't use graphics that you would find on Victoria's Secret's webpage.

Search well known companies that may have the sort of theme you are looking for and see what they're doing to get yourself inspired!