Saturday, September 17, 2011

Create Create Create...

One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to be creative. If you want your company to grow, then be creative. Do it in whatever avenue you can. Even if you inherit a hobby that involves you being creative, do it! When you can train your mind to think out of the box, you can apply that concept to your company. It will allow you to dream big and move forward. I want to share a personal project, hobby, that I took on.

I have a passion for glasses. I've had it since I was a little kid. I don't need prescription glasses, so I stick to non-prescription fashion frames. Recently I sat down and just started designing weird frames that an eccentric would wear, but that would appeal to many fashionistas, hopefully.

My first design was based on my absolute favorite frames, the Legend frames by Allyn Scura. The Legend frames take on that iconic look that legends such as James Dean fell in love with. My design is called "Idollic Deplore." It symbolizes the lament of the passing of such personalities as James Dean.

The next design, "Iconic Meltdown", takes the classic look of the Wayfarer from Ray-Ban and adds the meltdown. The idea came from the "meltdowns" from divas you always hear about in the news or tabloids. But, let's face it, everyone has a little diva in them.

Another iconic frame is the Persol 714. It was worn by none other than Steve McQueen. Steve McQueen was known for his cars and his speed. So, it's only right to design a similar frame the would represent his lifestyle. It's meant to look wind-blown. This is why it's called "Legendary Speed." It's kinda cheesy, but fun!

And finally, my last far, is not necessarily based on a previous design. It is, however, inspired by Elizabeth Taylor's make-up for Cleopatra. So, I've called this one "Cleopatra."  

So, I like to creative by drawing. I like to create by writing songs. I like to create by designing websites and other things. What do you do to be creative? 

Remember to always be creative and think outside the box!

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