Monday, September 26, 2011

Design On A Dime

~NOTE~ If you're reading this hoping to find out what you can do to your website to give it the high dollar look, please read my previous post entitled "The Web Real Estate" and also "Less Is More...or wait..."

Is it possible to have a fully functioning website on a tight budget? Maybe, the better question would be is it possible to have a marketing plan that can be implemented on a tight budget as well? The answer, of course, is yes. You're saying, I want can I do this?

There are different options you can try when looking for a way to market without spending big money. My first suggestion would be to tap into resources you may already have. Do you have a current employee who knows how to build a website? If not, do you have an employee with a passion for marketing design who would be willing to learn web work and graphic arts? Working solo? Do you have any friends or good acquaintances who does this line of work? Maybe, you have a passion for learning to do this stuff.

If the resources just are not there, shop around for a good company to help you out. Is there anyone local that can? If not, Blu Avenu would love to help and I'm confident we could. BUT, this post is NOT about me trying to get business. So, shop around. My opinion has always been that it's best to find a company that you can form a continuing relationship with. In effect, they become your employee. In other words, quick fixes aren't the answer. An example of a quick fix would be someone who builds you a website and gets it semi completed (or maybe even totally completed...for now) and then leaves you to find someone who can maintain it, or do it yourself. It's best if you find someone who will invest time into your company as well as you; someone who will grow to understand your needs as well as understanding the necessity for keeping current with the market.

Sounds like a lot of money, I know, but it doesn't have to be as much as you think. If you've just starting reading my blog, and you're looking to do the design stuff yourself, please see some of my previous posts...specifically, "The Web Real Estate" and also "Less Is More...or wait..." as well as "NEVER HIDE". All of my other previous posts have some tight budget tips also.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Company Politics

Politics in general have no place in my heart. Therefore, what I'm going to blog here in this post is very strictly my own opinion and should be left at that!

I'm very disappointed with the way things seem to work in  the private sector as well as the government as I would guess a vast number of people aren't as well. What I don't like is this form of checks and balances we have where we're divided between 2 parties. Both parties have their own agenda, one that benefits them. You see this, not only in the government, but in corporations and businesses everywhere. These 2 parties are so one sided that nothing gets done! There's no moving forward. The biggest problem is that, from the start, the president of whatever is to be on one side or the other.


It's time to put politics behind and move on. Yes, someone is going to get their feelings hurt. Yes, someone is not going to get their way. But, it's time we stop looking out for ourselves and start looking out for the best interest of the whole company right up to the underdog. Putting politics to the grave and moving on involves having the right people in the right place. There are many many good people out there, but that doesn't mean they're the right people. The right people need to be in line with the vision of the company. Some are dreamers and some are doers, but they work together for the good of the business. I've heard it said that "committees" are vultures. They nitpick everything...and...nothing gets done! Instead, go with teams. Teams work together. They have to, because if they don't the team loses.

Put politics to the grave before it puts you there!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Save Some Time To Dream

Some of the best implemented ideas were born from a dream. I don't necessarily mean dream while your sleeping. I'm referring to those "wouldn't it be great if..." dreams. I'm talking about the ones that you want so bad that you can feel it in your bones. Dreams can be huge motivators. They can also be disappointing.

It's funny! There are days when all I get done is day-dreaming. If you were to walk in on me those days, all you would see me do is staring off into space. Most likely my thoughts are geared towards, "what if...". If I fall in love with a dream, I usually try to see what I can do to make it work. I research every possible avenue and resource I know. Sometimes my dreams are way out of reach, but that doesn't mean I give up on them. That means they become more long-term goals. For example, the other day I was thinking "what if I had x number of clients by the end of the year...". That would mean I would have to hire on more help. That would certainly help get my name out there. But, how could I possibly achieve this?


How I handle my dreams will effect the reality of my dreams. If I always believe that they are too impossible, they'll never happen, then I'm probably right. I try not to go there. I like a challenge. I like to take the risk sometimes knowing full well I could fall flat on my face! But, I'll never know the answer to those "what ifs" if I never try and turn them into "what is".

The process is easy...dream big, research, and implement. If you have trouble dreaming big, start with yourself. I mean, everyone dreams about that new car, or that beach house overseas. Figure out what it would take to obtain that. Who knows, if  you dream big for yourself and then start dreaming big for your company, you may surprise yourself by being able to actually own that new car or that beach house.

SAVE SOME TIME TO DREAM, because as Mellencamp says, "your dream might save us all."

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Entrepreneur Equals Intrepid


So, you and your team, or you and your Marketing Firm came up with this brilliant marketing ploy for your company projected to bring X number of dollars in. Once the campaign hit the trail, the results were less than flattering. What do you do? Do people really not care about your product anymore? Are you out of touch with reality? What happens when nothing happens?


First and foremost, evaluate. What seemed to work with the ploy? What were the high points? How did it draw the people it did? What didn't work? Why didn't this reach more of our demographic? What improvements could we have made? Did we have enough knowledge about what we were doing? In other words, is there some universal reason, that we brought in this number when we wanted this number?


Unfortunately, not every ploy will bring in what you wanted to begin with. But, that's the value in exponential thinking! There are so many variables to consider when campaigning, because every consumer is unique in his or her own way even though there are common traits among them, especially when uncontrolled variables come into play (i.e. a recession). So, the current ploy didn't work...try something new. It's not saying "we failed miserably so we're desperately trying something different." No, it's letting the consumer know, you'll do just about anything to have their business.


Use your surroundings to market your company and your product. Remember, there are many variables to consider and some are uncontrolled variables. So, since these variables are in play, "this is why you should invest in my product and my company."


You're an entrepreneur. Your goal is to take your business to the next level. Most of the time, entrepreneurs know what to do, it's just a matter of taking a risk! Is it the right risk to take? Think about why you wouldn't take the risk. Is it a matter of  "what's this gonna cost me?" In other words, not only how much money, but what kind of time...and not only what kind of time, but will I lose people? The question is, is it worth the cost? Only you can answer that? Is it important enough to get to the next level that I can eat the cost? If the answer to this question isn't yes, then the risk can't happen. Keep in mind, it really isn't a risk if it doesn't take you out of your comfort zone. The next level doesn't have a comfort zone.

Be intrepid!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Social Disease

I'm going to spend some time probably preaching to the choir, but here it goes anyway...BE SOCIAL. Your company depends on you being a part of social media. Do you have a Facebook or twitter account for your business? If not, get one or both. Another great one is LinkedIn. If you have clients or customers, it's important to stay in the know. If you're looking to broaden your clientele, social media is a great avenue to do it. Unfortunately, it's not enough to have a powerful website. So, you have to put the extra time into maintaining a social account of some sort. I more thing on your list, right?

There are many benefits to having and maintaining a Facebook account, for example. It's great to start conversations with current clients or "friends". It's also good to see what people are already saying about your company. When doing this you'll have to "eat the hay and spit out the sticks" as a friend of mine puts it. In other words, look for constructive criticism about your company; things that are good and why they're good, or things that need improvement and why. Opinions put out by people based upon their emotions are the "sticks" to spit out...figuratively speaking. Those opinions are not solid and can change on a dime with their emotions. You can look for those opinions. My advice on handling those is to make a good contact with the person, encouraging them that they are a valued customer. It's amazing what a good word will do in those cases.

Another benefit is that people can get a sense of who you are...the informal you. People always find it easier to do business with someone they feel they know pretty well. You don't have to put your whole personal life out there, after all, this is your business page we're talking about. People just need to see your business in a more social, informal light.

Lastly, it's a great way to get information out whether it's sales promotions, campaigns, etc. Let your "valued customers" in. People will feel like part of an elite club regarding your business. People like to feel special like that.

The list of benefits goes further, so be sure to be social. Don't be a corporate wallflower, your company depends on it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Create Create Create...

One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to be creative. If you want your company to grow, then be creative. Do it in whatever avenue you can. Even if you inherit a hobby that involves you being creative, do it! When you can train your mind to think out of the box, you can apply that concept to your company. It will allow you to dream big and move forward. I want to share a personal project, hobby, that I took on.

I have a passion for glasses. I've had it since I was a little kid. I don't need prescription glasses, so I stick to non-prescription fashion frames. Recently I sat down and just started designing weird frames that an eccentric would wear, but that would appeal to many fashionistas, hopefully.

My first design was based on my absolute favorite frames, the Legend frames by Allyn Scura. The Legend frames take on that iconic look that legends such as James Dean fell in love with. My design is called "Idollic Deplore." It symbolizes the lament of the passing of such personalities as James Dean.

The next design, "Iconic Meltdown", takes the classic look of the Wayfarer from Ray-Ban and adds the meltdown. The idea came from the "meltdowns" from divas you always hear about in the news or tabloids. But, let's face it, everyone has a little diva in them.

Another iconic frame is the Persol 714. It was worn by none other than Steve McQueen. Steve McQueen was known for his cars and his speed. So, it's only right to design a similar frame the would represent his lifestyle. It's meant to look wind-blown. This is why it's called "Legendary Speed." It's kinda cheesy, but fun!

And finally, my last far, is not necessarily based on a previous design. It is, however, inspired by Elizabeth Taylor's make-up for Cleopatra. So, I've called this one "Cleopatra."  

So, I like to creative by drawing. I like to create by writing songs. I like to create by designing websites and other things. What do you do to be creative? 

Remember to always be creative and think outside the box!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Web Reviews

You know, sometimes I wish there were website reviews....kinda like movie or music reviews. Let's hear what the critics have to say. I'd love to be a web critic. What are some websites you would like to critique if you could...good or bad, either way? The good thing (and the bad thing) is that websites can change constantly. So, if you critique something, the website changes, and then someone reads your critique thinking it's about the changed version, you end up looking like a fool...but, then again aren't most critics hated?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I'm a huge, huge fan of advertising campaigns. My all-time favorite to date is Ray-Ban's "Never Hide" campaign. You can't flip through a Rolling Stone magazine without seeing a full-page "Never Hide" ad. In fact, I had purchased 3 different wayfarers (RB2140). I chose the style I did because of the image in the ad. 
Ray-Ban's "Never Hide" ad 

So, what kind of campaign can I come up with for my company? Campaigns can be just about anything you want them to be. Maybe it's as simple as a free car wash to advertise your dealership. Maybe it's a fundraiser drive with a unique slogan. Or, maybe it's an interactive web drive where people post images of themselves wearing your product. Whatever it is, it will get your name out! If you are proud of your company and your product, then "never hide." Get your name and your product out in front of people and keep it out in front of people. Having a website, a Facebook page, a Twitter page, and a LinkedIn account can only get you so far. It's kind of like the old days when these tools were just coming on the scene. Everyone was saying, it's not enough to just have your store. You need those other things to compete. Now that you have what, now what? They've become extended storefronts. They're useful, don't get me wrong, but they aren't enough. 

Posters and slogans and billboards...oh my. And you're thinking, $$$. But campaigns don't have to be that. One of my clients took part in a campaign a couple of years ago that people in their demographic still talk about to this day! All they did was go out into the community and helped clean it up a little bit. Their slogan was Don't Go To Church, Be the Church. They actually went out on a Sunday morning, instead of having church service, and did work in the community with the idea in mind that we preach it every week, now it's time we do it! Their budget was small, but the campaign made an impact. It got their name out there.

So, whatever it is you do, do it to for the sake of growing your company. Tailor it to fit your company's personality and remember..............never hide!

Less is More...or, wait...

I have a friend and confidant that I usually confide in when it comes to a new design I've created. His philosophy is the simpler the better, or as the old adage goes, less is more. In other words, when he visits a site, he shouldn't feel bogged down by images or information. It should have a nice flow, and he should be able to find what he wants with ease.

I developed all different kinds of websites for clients over the years. Some of those clients have the opposite view. They want to add lots of things to their pages. Depending on their business, they have had valid reasons why. So, what's the less more?

When I visit a website, I subconsciously look for the "wow factor" as many people do. I've visited some and saw mass chaos. Then again, I've visited some that I expect to see tumbleweed rolling across the screen because it's so bland and ghostly. I've seen some sites that pull all the punches with the flash, the glitz, and the glamour and still no wow factor. And, of course, visa versa. Then, there are those sites that I love returning to. They inspire. They spark interest. They pull me in. And before I know it, I've spent hundreds of dollars on their product. I've become an expert on the history of their company. I've invested time and money into the company, just as a consumer.

So, what was it? Can it be achieved? The answer is, it was different things from different companies and yes, it can be achieved. Probably the most common thing among all, was wow factor. The wow factor came in different ways depending on the company. The best site I can tell you about was the site that effectively showed me what their company was all about from the moment I got to the site! For some sites, it was the beauty done within the simplicity. For other sites, it was the organized chaos that flowed so so well.

Shapes and designs can do a lot for a site. Graphics can do the same. And, yes, in many cases, less is more. But, if you want to add a lot to your page without giving your consumer a headache. I would recommend organize chaos that flows. Having a full-looking site is important to one of my clients. If you know their business, you know why. But it is organized. We've worked hard together to accomplish that. Of course, there's always room for improvement.

You can accomplish quite a bit with little or much stuff.

Let your vision be your guide!

The Web Real Estate

A website is like a piece of real-estate. You have two options: take what's given to you or do your thing! It's the difference between renting or owning your own home. In many cases, renting a home allows you to only do certain things to your humble abode, whereas when you own a home the opportunities are endless.

No matter what, your website should reflect your company. Even pre-fab sites can help you say what you want to say about who you are.

So, do this: write down no more than 3 descriptive words about your company or better yet, no more than 3  descriptive words that you aspire for your company. These words may need to fit your personality and your likes as well. You may ask others to give you words.

Now, take those words and apply visuals to them. Let's say one of your words was "legendary" because you pride yourself on how long you've been in the business (as you should of course). So, when the word legendary is used to describe your company, what images come to mind?

Now think about your website. A person's home, usually, is a reflection of their personality. Is your website a reflection of your company's personality? Does it say those descriptive words? Does it convey those images?